MKMMA Week 11: Shadows

For the past three weeks, I’ve noticed parts of my old blueprint overshadowing the seedlings of my new blueprint. The old blueprint and/or my ego has frequently convinced me that I don’t need to keep reading the same things every day because I “got” their message/wisdom after the first few reads. Something in my old blueprint has cast a shadow on the wisdom/value of doing all the MKMMA exercise habits I eagerly and successfully established in the first six weeks.

I know that sunshine is required to grow crops and create a harvest. I thought about what shadows (bad habits, erroneous beliefs) might be part of my old blueprint.

When I was in school, I was always quick learner, but it was all information, not concepts. And I never had ANY choice about WHAT I learned or WHEN or HOW I would prove that I learned it or how I would show that what I learned had helped me be a better person or how any new topic is related to other topics I had studied.

Because the MKMMA Experience is designed to

  • enable me to think for myself;
  • literally see that everything is connected;
  • take FULL responsibility for my life; and
  • choose and manifest EVERYTHING I desire,

it’s not surprising that my old blueprint is casting shadows because it’s my old passive way of learning and “being schooled” and includes no sense of personal responsibility and self-direction.

As I realized that my school days/daze memories/thoughts were the Cause, I started feeling angry and resentful. Those emotions and my faith in The Law of Substitution motivated me to use The Law of Forgiveness toward my parents, all my teachers, and school administrators for not helping me learn way back then (50 years ago!) what I’m learning now. I lovingly thanked and blessed them all for doing the best they could back then. Then I used The Law of Substitution to enthusiastically affirm that I take full responsibility for what and how I learn and grow and for how quickly and how much Joy, Kindness, Affluence, and Love I create and experience in my life!

As I looked for more shadow-casting parts of my old blueprint, I questioned whether I’m unconsciously discouraged about accomplishing my DMP due to my age (65). I look much younger, and mentally think of myself as about 28. I’ve always considered age just a number. Going forward, when my friends play their “I’m slowing down because of my age” card, I will use The Law of Dual Thought to feel extra-grateful for this MKMMA experience and how I’m using what I’m learning to imagine and walk into (one step at a time) a future in which the way I serve brings others and me Joy, Bliss, and Affluence.

This shadow+age-related train of thought led me to find the amazing image below, an excellent example of The Laws of Dual Thought and Substitution. The image was titled “Youth becoming a shadow.” I prefer to substitute this title: “Personal Joy from happy memories and pure positive imagination.”

If Haanel could have included colored images in The Master Key System 100 years ago, I think he would have used the image below.

In the physical world, a shadow is the Result of a Cause: the Sun shining on an object at a certain angle. So too in the metaphysical world, our Self (the way we show up in the world) is the Result/Shadow whose Cause is our blueprint, which may be all old thoughts and beliefs, a mix of old and new, or all new. Our choice.

What if in The Master Key System, Haanel gave us the elusive Fountain of Youth?!?


9 thoughts on “MKMMA Week 11: Shadows

  1. Well your 28 year old self just has way too much wisdom! Lol! I love this blog and all of the analogies and the fact that you share with us so much of who you are. I love your spirit! It is truly an honor to go through this course with you! Much Love!

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